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  • Richard Marrs is the founder and president of Altamont Consulting Group LLC. Headquartered in the San Francisco Bay Area, the group works with organizations, senior executives and their teams creating and executing Strategy, Strategic Alliances, Corporate Development, and Innovation. " Altamont is dedicated to improving our client's productivity, innovation, and performance by helping them Collaborate. Innovate. Transform."

Altamont Consulting Group

See You There!

  • 2014 Productivity Summit - Edmonton Alberta
    November 26-27 2014 "...The conversations that took place over the day and a half were deep, insightful, and truly focused on the theme of asking “Why” we do things the way we do within our organizations..."

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February 2010

February 10, 2010


  • con·tex·ture
    (kən-tĕks'chər, kŏn'tĕks'-) noun: 1. The act of weaving or assembling parts into a whole. 2. An arrangement of interconnected parts; a structure. 3. A distinctive, complex underlying pattern or structure.

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